
Weekly work progress report for Saturday, May 4th

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Yesterday, the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre equipment restoration workshop was in action with crews working on two projects, completion of the new paint scheme on locomotive #1 and the construction of a new track maintenance cargo lorry. Photo #1 at the left shows the new look at the front of the CLC-Whitcomb locomotive, and photo #3 at the right is a view of the partially completed wooden lorry frame. Photo #2 in the middle shows a bonus item left behind by the CPR, a Rigid-brand pipe vice salvaged from the floor of a storage room, now cleaned up, painted and ready for use on the end of a workbench.
New volunteers are always welcome, whether you consider yourself skilled or not, we have an interesting project for you. Click on the button at the upper left to sign up to our TRHA discussion group where we organize our work parties.
By Michael Guy with photo credits to James Rasor