Volunteer Progress

Weekend Work Report: Crossing Signal Mast Installed!

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Despite forecasts of a rainy day, our work party had sun all morning and it didn’t rain until after they were finished.
As we see in the pictures above, the major project was the installation of the crossing signal mast in Roundhouse Park. This project took most of the day as pulling the necessary cables required a pull line be run into the electrical conduit from the post to Cabin D. The conduit was full of water and it took a long while to get it drained. The ‘approved technique’ for running the string is to tie a bit of plastic to the end and suck it through the conduit with a vacuum cleaner! This works like a charm except when there is water inside.
Meanwhile, back in the machine shop, couple of team members conintued to work on the switches one of which is now finally finished and is ready to place. The next switch which is heading for the northern end of the station platforms is only a half day away from being done also.
Posting and pictures by Michael Guy & Justin Perry
