
Weekend Reports – Progress Continues and the Museum is Open!

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As announced in earlier posts, The Toronto Railway Heritage Centre is now open on weekends. We now have two successful operating weekends behind us. In the images at upper left, we find see our first passenger train on June 5th – our first day of operation after Doors Open. Over our first two weekends of operation, we also offered tours of #6213, rides on the turntable and access to the TH&B Caboose.
Ongoing work on the TRHC facilities and on the restoration of our artefacts continued over the past two weeks. Among the tasks addressed were:

  • Completing the installation of new windows in the Pyke Crane (see images below)
  • Assessing the work remaining to physically finish the U33C Diesel Cab
  • Further work on the F7 Cab
  • Ongoing maintenance and tuning of the miniature railway and its locomotives

Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Derek Boles, Lance Gleich, Russ Milland & Wilson Lau
