
Weekend Report: TRHA at Barrie-Allendale Train Show

For the third year in a row, the TRHA has hosted a display table at the Barrie Allandale Model Train Show held over the Valentine’s Day weekend.  This two day annual event is held in the Bradford Greenhouses a few miles west of downtown Barrie, providing an unusually bright degree of lighting,
especially during one of the coldest Februarys in living memory!

The table was manned by TRHA volunteers Stephen Gardiner and Derek Boles, while arrangements were made by Dave Wetherald. Dave and his wife, Sandy, were also busy with behind-the scenes organizing and food catering for the show.

With the almost complete absence of train shows in the immediate Toronto area, the shows farther afield have become more important venues to market the Toronto Railway Museum. Shows like this tend to attract more families than the more specialized train events like that held in Copetown a week earlier, but that’s exactly the type of clientele that is more likely to visit the museum.

Aside from general queries about the museum, great interest was shown in Stephen’s highly detailed HO models of various museum artifacts. Of special interest was a model of the watchman’s shanty that Stephen had made using a 3-D laser copier.

Photos and posting by Derek Boles

Click on each image for a closer look!

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Stephen Gardiner’s HO Models
Stephen Gardiner’s HO Models
Stephen Gardiner’s HO Models
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