
Weekend Report: The museum evolves amidst our weekend operations!

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Despite dire predictions of rain, last Saturday turned out to be quite a pleasant day with a steady stream of visitors all day and a surge at the end of the day as the Blues Jays lost 12-1 at the Rogers Centre and a steady stream of disappointed fans passed through Roundhouse Park late in the afternoon resulting in our operating well past 4:00 p.m.
In the images above (from left to right) in today’s News posting we find a couple posing on our CP switcher to have their picture taken. This is a very common sight at the museum. Our equipment is very photogenic and provides a very different backdrop for family photos. The next image shows a lovely vintage automobile which also found its way to Roundhouse Park. In the third image, we find that our reception area has now been upgraded to include a public address system so that we can make appropriate announcements easily. In the fourth image, one of our volunteers paints the tank which adorns the property behind Stall 15, the entry to our restoration bays.
Below, we see the Sweet Creek steam engine and the Whitcomb diesel ready for action in the station. We also find a photo of a CP engineer who brought his son to the museum and taught his son (and us) the fine nuances of driving a full size diesel engine. The strange contraption mounted on a wooden cart with flywheels is actually a restored Fairmont speeder engine and radiator which Michael Guy acquired at the Milton Steam Era event on Labour Day weekend.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Lance Gleich & Russ Milland
