
Weekend Report: Steady Stream of Visitors Despite the Rains!

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This past weekend saw steady visitor traffic despite rain showers on both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday we operated the miniature railway until 6:00 p.m. to accommodate late afternoon visitors. On Saturday morning a TRHA volunteer work crew addressed a number of outstanding items on a lengthy list of “to-do’s” as well.
The accompanying pictures highlight the weekend’s operations. In the picture at the lower right, it appears that a woman has fallen in front of the train on Saturday. In fact, she has not. She had laid down in front of the train and then assumed a pose of a terrified woman caught on the tracks for the photographer in front of her. Perhaps we should be planning for photo shoots in Roundhouse Park in future as yet another attraction!
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Russ Milland & Stephen Gardiner
