
Weekend Report – Saturday Swarming of Volunteers

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This past weekend was our first weekend since the Railway Children production ended and, as expected, the crowds were thinner than in previous weeks. However, we had a fantastic volunteer turnout on Saturday, the best since last spring. Despite the thinner crowds, we had several hundred train riders, many of whom also rode the turntable and our handcar. All in all, it was a very successful transition back to normal operations.

Given the surge in volunteers on Saturday, there was also a team of volunteers also working in the three stalls on the caboose, the two steel benches, and storage boxes for storage of pieces of the air compressor pieces we reported on last week. Photos above show the wood restoration being done on the caboose where the existing structure unfortunately has wood rot The rotted wood is being cut out and new wood measured, cut, detailed, and spliced in place. The photos also show the two new storage boxes. These storage boxes were used equipment boxes given to us by Steam Whistle Brewery which we were delighted to recycle to meet our needs.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by James Rasor
