
Weekend Report: Opening Up New Fronts! – Part 1 of 3

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This past weekend again saw progress on several old and new fronts with work continuing on the TH&B Caboose, the F7 Cab, the miniature railway engines and depot. On Saturday, Michael and Dave made a long trek to Sudbury to pick up much needed parts to restore the Pyke Crane
As shown in the attached pictures, the F7 Cab is progressing nicely as one of our teams continued to do the “dirty work” of grinding away and sanding the surfaces inside the cab. As can be seen in the pictures, the exterior has also had its surface dents and dings filled in and sanded. Various compartment doors can also having been cleaned up and primed. We also addressed the cab with a welding torch to finish up the framework. In one of the pictures you can see the fireman’s side of the front windows looking great after having been primed.
Watch for more weekend progress reports in Part 2 of this posting!
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Stephen Gardiner & Lance Gleich
