
Weekend Report – More visitors and more costumed fans!

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Sunday was cool and cloudy at first but it perked up nicely after lunch. The park was very busy with “tent people” dismantling the theatre tent inside a construction fence but it was also very busy with park visitors. By mid-day, lots of family groups were coming out to visit the playground and ride the miniature railway. Later in the afternoon, a mix of visitors appeared from both the Blue Jays game and from Fan Expo Canada 2011 being held at the Metro Convention Centre. Many of the latter were in elaborate costume and lots of photos were taken by our intrepid volunteers. A selection of those photos are shown here.

While other TRHA volunteers tended to a host of maintenance tasks on the miniature railway, several of our volunteers also moved the two 4,800 lb (each) sandstone “wheel sets” (i.e. 19th century wooden wheel assembly jigs) to a new location away from their somewhat remote location in the west corner of the property. They now form a portal of sorts to the miniature train platform.

Posting by Russ Milland; Images by Bob Dickson, Jay Larkin and Mark Pompeo
