
Weekend Report: More progress on the TH&B #70 Van

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Today was one step forward and two steps back on the TH&B Van #70 in the conductor stand area. The restoration of the conductor’s stand on the right side, which was above the ice cooled refrigerator, revealed that most of the structural wood and plywood has succumbed to wood rot as seen in the pictures. The dense wood, once firm as a rock, now just falls apart at the touch of finger. This was not entirely unexpected. The ice cooled refrigerator’s galvanized metal is in restorable condition but the oak and other wood species used for the structure would have been subjected to continuous condensation and heat as the ice was replaced and melted and replaced and melted.

This unfortunately has had it’s obvious effect on the wood as we can see. The good news is that most of all the visible parts are in restorable condition and we’ll have it looking as good as new in a couple of months. The structural wood will be replaced where necessary. Our plan is to have the caboose restored, interpreted and on display for all to see for next summer’s operating season.

Posting and pictures by James Rasor
