
Weekend Report – Launching our first Roundhouse Park Weekly Tour

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As we announced several days ago, we held our first weekly (Saturday) tour of Roundhouse Park as an additional experience that we are offering to the public. In the image above, we catch the tour in progress. This augmented our other attractions such as the miniature train ride and tours of our steam engine #6213’s cab.

Meanwhile volunteers continued to work within the roundhouse. In an image above, we see the nearly completed frames which will hold interpretative plaques for each of the engines and other rolling stock in our collection. Work also proceeded to build the necessary pit covers to allow safe public access to the U33 Diesel Cab simulator. With a bit more work next weekend, we will be able to add it to our attraction list for the weekend whenever sufficient volunteers are available.

The caboose had its left cupola base side structure final dry fitted and the cupola structure was set in place. This is good news as it means we can apply the sheathing screws to the left side next week. With the structure in place below below the cupola to support it, we were finally able to remove the metal angles at the outside of the cupola metal skin to get a good look at the cupola’s corner posts. Below we see some of the corrosion as found in the pillars. Below, we also find one of our volunteers working on the inside bracing of the caboose. As noted elsewhere, this was originally a wood caboose which was subsequently sheathed in steel by the TH&B railway.

Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Lance Gleich
