
Weekend Report: Cranes, Cabs, Cabeese, Locos and Turntables!

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Thanks to a baker’s dozen of volunteers (that is 13 of them!) forming our work team last Saturday, we successfully tackled our usual wide array of projects. In this week’s report, we will provide more details than usual to give you a deeper insight into the scope and depth of the great work being done by our teams. Highlights of the day included:
In the realm of full size equipment restoration:

  • The Pyke crane is looking quite smart in fresh black paint on the lettering and boom
  • The F7 cab panelling and interior finish colour application is proceeding well
  • The TH&B caboose was the focus of lots of woodwork activity (see report below)

In the realm of the miniature railway:

  • The Romulus miniature railway locomotive is almost fully reassembled and looking forward to a test run later in the week
  • The miniature railway turntable has had push-bars installed and painted
  • The miniature railway turntable was also tweaked to align the turntable and its approach tracks to eliminate level changes that tend to derail equipment.
  • The miniature railway depot building also has some new power outlets to reduce the need for extension cords all over the place.

To provide a sense of the immense amount of careful work required to restore equipment such as our TH&B caboose, here is a full report from one of our volunteers, James Rasor, on the work undertaken this past weekend:
“Work proceeded very well this weekend on the TH&B van with the help of Jim, Bob, Lance, Sergio, Michael and James. Jim and James started the early day by working some epoxy on the front guard rail where we couldn’t reinstall one bolt – we’ll checkout the result next week. Bob and Jim then relocated the radial arm saw from the machine shop to stall #17 with the caboose, while Lance and James completed the re-installation of the caboose flooring on the right side after Michael helped relocate the temporary electrical wiring for them. With the radial arm saw now conveniently set up next to the caboose, Lance was then able to nearly complete all of the column notching for the sills and headers in one day while Bob and Jim ripped all the wood down to the sizes we needed for the columns. Sergio was a very welcome and very busy presence this weekend assisting both the team on the F7 Cab and the caboose team with his table saw while even managing to continue to his own work of rebuilding the caboose window frames. Next week we will be able to re-install all the caboose right side structure and re-install the metal sheathing screws which will allow us to pull the right side in and straightening it up just like the re-built left side in preparation for the new tongue and groove siding.”
Finally, we would like to make you aware of the fact that this great work does not just happen on Saturdays and Sundays on the weekends. Smaller groups of volunteers can be found throughout the week continuing to work on these projects. you will notice them in our occasional mid-week reports.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Lance Gleich
