
Weekend Report – A rainy Saturday at the Roundhouse

Is there a better way to spend a rainy day than doing restoration work at the John Street Roundhouse?  A lot of us apparently think not.

There was a large crew out today to make substantial progress on a variety of fronts.  Patrick B. took on the roof work on Cape Race, while Dan G., Jay L., Dave F., and Antonio M. took on tasks closer to the ground including the removal of one of the rear windows and work on the end door.  Richard W. spent a good portion of his day painting windows.

Caboose work continued as well, with Matt S. taking on the cleaning and painting of the ice tray components.  Neville F. was of course around to keep everything moving forward.

Meanwhile, Bob and Bernadette held down the museum, with relief help as required from Dave F. and me.

Posting and Photos by Lance Gleich

Click on each image for a closer look!
