
Upgrades to our TRHA News Blog!

It has come to our attention that we have sufficient news postings in our archives for every month (almost one per day in most cases) that the Google Blogger.com service that we use is simply not capable of providing access to every posting in a given month’s archive.
So we have added a calendar feature at the left hand side of this page through which you can access all news postings on those dates where we did post items.
Below the calendar, we have also added a Google search field as well to help you search for postings with specific words in them. This does work to some degree but does not find all of the postings with the specified search terms in them. We recently had to move our news blog at Google’s request and the new location may not be fully indexed as yet. We are hopeful that Google’s indexing software will in due course re-index our archives and improve the search results.
Posting by Russ Milland
