Museum Event

TRHA Presents to the Toronto Society of Model Engineers!

Click on each picture for a closer look!
The Toronto Society of Model Engineers (TSME) has just celebrated their 75th anniversary having been formed in 1933. They have always been focussed on all aspects of model building and engineering and associated areas of craftsmanship. Their meetings are always enjoyable evening where the focus is on sharing knowledge and networking with each other.
Tomorrow (Friday, May 8th) Michael Guy and Russ Milland will be presenting a grand overview of the TRHA and the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre at their monthly meeting.
In addition to the TSME Logo (above left), we have a picture of two model engineers operating a live steam locomotive in 1934, a year after TSME was formed as well as a picture of a model steam tractor as displayed at a recent meeting.
Guests are always welcome at their meetings so we invite you to attend.
Here are the meeting details:

  • Friday May the 8th, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. (to about 10:00 p.m.)
  • Toronto Aerospace Museum
  • Located off Sheppard Ave. West of Dufferin at 65 Carl Hall Road.
  • Free parking available on the north and east sides of the museum.

Here is an excerpt from their an overview of TSME meetings as found on their website:
“The main things that members seem to enjoy most is the exchange of ideas and tips on techniques which are happily shared. The traditionally successful format for our meetings is the description of members models brought in for exhibition, whether complete or partly built. Occasionally we arrange for a visiting speaker to talk on a special item of particular interest. Topics concerning new machinery, historic machinery, and engineering ingenuity have grasped members’ interest over decades, whether by talks, exhibits, or pictures… More
The extensive TSME Website is well worth visiting by clicking here. Especially enjoy their wonderful collection of historical photographs.
Story by Russ Milland; Images from the TSME Website.