
TRHA Annual Christmas Party

On January 12th, 2013 over 50 people turned out for our TRHA Annual Christmas Party.

Michael Guy and a crew of volunteers have been working hard for several months to clean up the three stalls and rearrange rolling stock and other artefacts to open up enough space to allow us to bring in sufficient tables and chairs that everyone could sit down and enjoy a wonderful buffet dinner catered by Eattertainment.

Our team of volunteers also did a magnificent job of decorating the areas so that we partied in a very enjoyable space illuminated by both low level lighting as well as Christmas lights.

Orin Krivel, our TRHA President, thanked everyone for coming as well as congratulating everyone who contributed to the success of the Toronto Railway Museum over the past year and to the success of this event. He assured everyone that despite the ongoing challenges of sometimes difficult negotiations with the outside stakeholders in the development of the Museum that the Museum will continue to develop and expand into the first class destination for all fans of railways and railway history.

Slide shows highlighting the history of the Roundhouse and the Museum development as well as showing selected photos form the past year were running on several monitors in the area. We rounded out the evening with a special showing of a movie about the history of the Toronto Society of Model Engineers and a slide show featuring railway photography at night..

We offer our thanks to the TRHA Volunteers, Leon’s at the Roundhouse, the Steam Whistle Brewery and the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts whose contributions to the success of our event are very much appreciated.

Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Russ Milland and Stephen Gardiner

Click on each image below for a closer look!
