
Train operations report!

Periodically, we need to redeploy our rolling stock and other equipment in Roundhouse Park.  On Thursday, September 26th we assembled a crew of volunteers to safely make such a series of moves. Michael Guy reports on what happened that day:

“Our equipment shuffle got off to a good start at about 9:45 this morning – both engines in loco #1 started despite not having been used for some time. The old 1950’s rear engine did accept a little snort of ether as encouragement though.
The purpose of the day was twofold: 
  1. Help Steam Whistle Brewing remove two rental office trailers from their patio via the turntable
  2. Turn Cape Race in stall 15 so that we could work on the other side. 

Along the way we turned Baldwin #7069 end-for-end and sent Elwell the crane over to have a chat with big brother crane “Pyke” on track 33. #6213 had to be relocated off the turntable and returned to allow the above to be accomplished and #7020 was relocated to patio 18 track.

The trailer transport company didn’t show up on time so we had to use my jeep!

Note in the side view below of the Elwell-Parker crane that we have installed Hy-Rail “training wheels”  to allow it to run on our tracks through soft ground and over service pits.”

Posting by Russ Milland; Photos by Michael Guy

Click on each image for a closer look!
