
The TRHA rail yard in action!

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Saturdays each week see the most volunteers turning out to not only help with our operations but also to staff our work crews on our various projects. This Saturday was no exception as had sixteen volunteers helping out. Some of the crews worked on re-laying sections of damaged pavers and continued the van restoration.

Today was also a “train move” day with the goal of moving the Jackman passenger car to a different track. As part of this move, we shifted #6213 back out to track #34 and fenced it in alongside #4803 and # 7069 in order free up the turntable. We then took both the Pyke crane and the flatcar out along track #40 to lift the pedestrian bridge out so that both the Cape Race and Jackman can be relocated.

This was perhaps the most interesting crane move thus far and the first time we have seen the crane and flat car move together. We left Cape Race on track 35. Jackman will move from its present location at the end of track 40 to the end of track 39 on Monday morning. the Pyke crane and flat car will be left on the turntable providing yet another different photo opportunity for visitors this week.

Our miniature railway operation started a bit later than normal due to the train moves, but the park was quite busy in terms of visitors and we had lots of riders as well as folks being entertained by the train moves.

Posting by Russ Milland; Photos by Derek Boles
