
The Pyke Crane Move – Part 1 – Loading the Crane

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On Monday, December 21st, the McCulloch crew worked on loading the Pyke Crane onto the trailer. Dave Wetherald reports on the day’s activities as follows:
“After all the fuss, work, and preparation over the weekend, the Pyke crane was moved west through a couple of switches, then back east to line up beside McCulloch’s trailer. The Pyke was then jacked up, moved sideways using rollers on two I-beams, and lowered onto the trailer. The crane was scheduled to be moved to the park very early ( 5 AM ) on Tu
esday morning.
Toronto Terminal Railways (TTR
) provided official track flagmen for the day as we were fouling (a railway term for “blocking”) a still used line that goes east to some of the Port Lands industries. As fate would have it, a CN train (2 engines and 1 tank car ) wanted to go down the track, but as can be seen in the picture below, it was stopped by the red flag from the TTR flagmen. After discussions with TTR and their dispatcher, the train crew decided not to wait for another hour or so and backed up.”
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Dave Wetherald
