
The Lever Frame for Cabin D Returns Home!

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On June 26th, 2009, the massive frame of levers used in Cabin D to control the switches in the Toronto Rail lands were removed from Cabin D and sent away for restoration as captured in this TRHA News item. On Septemebr 23rd, 2009 we further reported on the progress of that restoration in this TRHA News posting.
We are now pleased to report that today the restored lever frame was returned to Roundhouse Park, again using McCulloch Moving to transport it. In the images above, we find the McCulloch team appearing at Roundhouse Park followed by a view of the opening created in the west wall of Cabin D to accommodate the move of the lever frame into the building. In the last image, we find Mac McKim, the machinist responsible for the restoration work, standing proudly in front of the restored artefact.
In the images below, we see the frame being lifted onto a temporary platform and then being moved into the Cabin. The final picture shows the frame resting at the bottom of the two storey high “pit” in which it has always been housed. Tomorrow the end wall will be reinstalled and on Friday the frame will be raised to its correct height and set up proeprly under the watchful eye of Mac McKim.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Tom Murison
