
The Christmas Train Show – Part 3 – Grand Tour

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Continuing our coverage of the Christmas Train show, we expand our tour beyond the TRHA exhibit.
In images #1 and #2 we find an extensive model railroad display built using the train set components produced by the Lego company. Given youngsters’ familiarity with the Lego construction systems this exhibit was very popular.
In images #3 and #4, we see only a part of the very large G-Scale display by the Central Ontario Garden Railway Association whose members typically operate garden railways in their back yards using these fairly large scale models. They bring an extensive collection of models to the show and operate them continuously much to the enjoyment of everyone. To learn more, visit their website by clicking here.
Images #5 and #6 capture members of a group called the Southern Ontario Rust Belt Builders (SORBB) who annually host a spring train show in Schomberg, Ontario called “Narrow Gauge Madness” which attracts those railway aficionados like myself who love narrow gauge railways (those with gauges less than 4 foot 8 1/2 inches). TRHA’s Mini-Whitcomb, Sweet Creek and Romulus are all built as narrow gauge locomotives. Many members of the SORBB group specialize in the construction of exquisite small micro-layouts which they often bring to train shows. To learn more, visit their website by clicking here.
Click here for part 4 of this series of postings
Posting and pictures by Russ Milland
