
The Christmas Train Show – Part 1 – Loading into the Show

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As announced in an earlier TRHA News posting, the TRHA was well represented this weekend at the annual Christmas Train Show at the International Centre near the Toronto airport. At the show we shared space with the Golden Horseshoe Live Steamers of Hamilton, Ontario many of whose members are also heavily involved in the development of the TRHA’s Toronto Railway Heritage Centre.
In the pictures above we find our intrepid volunteers carefully extracting the TRHC’s Mini-Whitcomb from the bowels of a small van which was used to transport it to the show. It is quite a large and heavy locomotive so great credit is due to those involved in making this move happen.
In the pictures below we see the TRHA’s booth where we effectively used one of the large screen TV’s donated to us by Leon’s to present a dramatic presentation about the TRHC and its development. In the final picture at the lower right, we see a small part of the show floor. The show organizers use a very large space with lots of very wide aisles which makes for an uncrowded show experience.
Click here for part 2 of this series of postings.
Posting and pictures by Russ Milland
