September 30th Open House at Don Station

Click on each picture for a closer look!
On Sunday, September 30, the Toronto Railway Historical Association will be hosting another open house at the Don Station at Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum and Arts Centre from 12 NOON to 5 PM. in Toronto.
The Canadian Pacific Railway opened Don in 1896. The station was originally located on the west bank of the Don River south of Queen Street. In 1906 the Canadian Northern Railway began using Don, as did their successor Canadian National after World War I. Following World War II, Don declined in importance as a passenger station although it continued to issue train orders for both CP and CN trains until the station was closed in 1967. In 1969 the Don Station was moved to the Todmorden Museum. It is the City of Toronto’s intention, with TRHA support, to move Don to Roundhouse Park, where it will be incorporated into the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre.
The TRHA has prepared a display of sixty photographs that will be displayed inside the station. This display depicts the history of railways in the Don Valley, as well as some other facilities so as to give the little station some context.
TRHA President Orin Krivel and Historian Derek Boles will be in attendance. We are thrilled that former Don Station operator John Mellow will be joining us for the day. John was an operator at the station in its final years at the original Queen St. site. In the middle picture above we see John operating in the station in 1965. In the picture at the right , we see John assuming the same position in the station at our last open house on July 1st, 2007. Click on the Archive entry at the left for “07/01/2007 – 08/01/2007” and then scroll down to the “07/20/2007 – TRHA Celebrates Canada Day at Don Station” news item for more information on the last open house.
Information on the Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum and directions on how to get there can be found at: