
Roundhouse Park from the CN Tower – June 22, 2009

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Ever since the CN Tower opened in 1976, a number of rail enthusiasts have used the lofty vantage point to photograph the extensive railway facilities that used to surround the tower. A number of recent books have featured images of Canadian National’s Spadina facilities and Canadian Pacific’s John Street roundhouse taken from the observation deck of the tower. This has been a challenge for photographers because of the necessity of shooting through glass and the fact that the lighting and atmospheric conditions are seldom optimal for a good photograph taken from that height.
An exception is this strikingly clear image that was shot by Wayne D. Shaw on June 22, 2009 during a birthday celebration at the Tower’s 360 restaurant. Wayne has kindly given us permission to share this photograph on the TRHA website. One can see that blue fencing almost completely surrounds Roundhouse Park, the installation of the patio stones around the turntable is not complete and the landscaping has not yet begun. Wayne plans on returning to the top of the tower to take another photograph after the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre opens. We wish him luck in capturing an equally striking image and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Posting by Derek Boles; Image by Wayne D. Shaw
