
Revitalization of Union Station

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This picture from the Toronto Public Archives shows Union Station under construction prior to its opening in 1927.
On Wednesday, November 14th, Toronto Mayor David Miller publicly unveiled the city’s new plan for the restoration and redevelopment of Union Station. Following the mayor’s remarks, the Union Station Revitalization Public Advisory Group’s vice chair, Derek Boles, spoke to the assembled media about public involvement in the massive project. The press conference was held in the Great Hall, in the same location where the TRHA sets up its Doors Open displays in May each year. More details on the City’s plans can be seen at: http://www.toronto.ca/union_station/revitalization.htm
In a nutshell, the plan differs from previous proposals in that the City plans on building a new level of retail outlets extending the length of the building underneath the existing GO Bay St. concourse, the VIA concourse, and the planned York St. concourse. It is expected that the revenue from this new retail space, a mall if you will, will help pay the estimated $400 million required to build the new level and restore Union Station.
The Union Station Revitalization Public Advisory Group is made up of 19 individuals and was established by Toronto City Council to ensure ongoing public involvement in what happens to one of the city’s most important public buildings and a National Historic Site. The individuals that make up USRPAG represent a variety of backgrounds and include, among others, transit activist Steve Munro, Transport 2000 president David Jeanes, and Mitchell Cohen, the developer who restored North Toronto Station. The group is chaired by well known civic activist Janice Etter, who has assisted with the TRHA displays for Doors Open for several years.
The Heritage component of USRPAG is represented by three individuals, all of whom happen to be members of the TRHA board, although TRHA president Orin Krivel is the sole official representative of our organization. TRHA historian Derek Boles serves in his capacity as a board member of Heritage Toronto, and Andrew Jeanes works professionally in the heritage conservation field. More information on USRPAG, as well as a schedule of its meetings, can be found at:
by Derek Boles, TRHA
