A list of historical associations and organizations in Canada with a focus on railway history, similar to our own.
These are listed in alphabetical order.
Bytown Railway Society
The society was founded in 1969 and today its activities include its twice-monthly meetings, the publication of a magazine for members and subscribers (Branchline) and the restoration and operation of a number of pieces of historic railway equipment located at the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa.

Canadian Railroad Historical Association (CRHA)
The CRHA is dedicated to the preservation of railway history across Canada, and has a number of local chapters. It also owns and operates the Canadian Railway Museum (Exporail) in Delson, Quebec.

Canadian Association of Railway Modellers (CARM)
CARM is an organization dedicated to fostering fellowship among railway modellers throughout Canada.
Canadian National Railways Historical Association (CNRHA)
Formerly known as the CN Lines Special Interest Group, the CNRHA is an international self-sustaining operational research and historical society that exclusively focuses on the Canadian National family of railways, and actively promotes the art of modeling them accurately.

Canadian Pacific Historical Association (CPHA)
Formerly known as the Canadian Pacific Railway Special Interest Group, the CPHA has a comprehensive website devoted to the CPR with a vast quantity of downloadable CPR documents available once you register.
Guelph Historical Railway Association (GHRA)
The GHRA is dedicated to the preservation of railway history, especially in the Guelph area. The GHRA’s main areas of focus include restoration of their artifacts, writing about the history of local railways, promoting railway safety, organizing of excursion trains and the continued restoration and upkeep of CNR 6167.

HeritageRail Alliance (HRA)
After the merger between the Canadian Council for Railway Heritage with the Association of Tourist Railroads and Railway Museums in 2016, the organization adopted the name HeritageRail Alliance in 2017. This organization is comprised of institutional groups and individual members whose objective is to further the collective interests of the railway heritage and preservation movement across the globe.

Huntsville and Lake of Bays Railway Society
A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of steam transportation in the Huntsville and Lake of Bays area. They are dedicated to the memory of the Huntsville and Lake of Bays Railway, which was known as the smallest commercially operated railway in the world. They are the driving force behind the operation of the famous “Portage Flyer” steam train for a pleasant and memorable train ride along one of the most picturesque routes in the Huntsville area. They operate beautifully restored vintage open-sided coaches “Algonquin” and “Iroquois” which is pulled by their 1926 “0-4-0 ST” steam locomotive. These are all original Portage Railway equipment and operate at the Muskoka Heritage Place Village.
Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway Historical Society
The TH&B Historical Society was formed in 1998 to preserve the history of the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway, which existed in southern Ontario from 1892 until 1987. The website provides a significant amount of information, especially geared towards modellers.
VIA Historical Association (VHA)
The VIA Historical Association is dedicated to the preservation of equipment used by Canada’s national passenger rail system, VIA Rail. They are currently focusing their efforts on putting together a special train using historical equipment for VIA’s 50th anniversary in 2028.