
Putting the final touches on Don Station!

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Don Station is receiving a number of final touches to complete its restoration. John Mellow reports on recent changes as follows:
“Don station has received new moulding around the waiting room side of the the ticket counter. Based on the colours from the old moulding discovered by our restorer Tom Murison, I created a replacement which was installed yesterday by Walter Boyko. The counter and green trimmed mouldings still need paint which will be done soon, but here is what the ticket wicket now looks like for the public. . Also, two new station signs are completed and ready for mounting on the roof of the station.”
The two images at the right above are by John and show the changes he is referring to. The remaining images provide a look at other parts of the station where final touches have been applied.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by John Mellow, Lance Gleich and Russ Milland
