
Progress on Restoration of the Turntable Bridge

Michael Guy and Russ Milland visited the premises of Western Mechanical to check out progress on restoration of the turntable bridge on July 3rd and again on July 10th. In the centre picture above, Michael admires the sandbalsting job that has been completed as of July 10th on all surfaces of the turntable bridge. As seen in the picture at left, the bridge is now wrapped to protect the bridge from the elements. The next step is a formal technical inspection of the bridge to determine exactly what must done to it to restore it.

In the picture at the right, we see one of the air motor assemblies used to rotate the turntable. They have all been thoroughly cleaned by Western Mechanical. Close inspection by Russ and Michael revealed that they were in excellent condition with only minor issues with corrosion. This was very welcome news.

Click on the pictures for a closer view!

by Russ Milland, Director – TRHA
