
Progress on Cabin D & Don Station!

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As we hurtle towards our opening weekend in only 8 weeks time, Tom Murison and his crew have also been busy on completing the restoration of Cabin D and Don Station. Here is the status of the work as of last Monday (two days ago).
Tom reported that the chimney is finished on Cabin D. Most of the electrical cable for the lights has been pulled through and stapled up at the ground floor of Cabin D. 18 fixtures with bulbs are ready but are waiting for the finish kits to complete the ceiling when it is installed. The roofers are halfway up the south and west sides of Cabin D and should complete them this week once the rain stops. In the picture below we see some detail of the roofing and flashing of the gutters.
The Don Station deck is just about laid out as we can see in the pictures. It was a tricky job getting the slope to fall properly to ensure proper drainage of rainwater. The deck should be ready for the decking to be applied this week. Four custom steel vents have been painted black and installed on the west side of the Don station below the deck. Work around the complex area of the turret as well as the sanding and priming of the walls on Don Station has been proceeding nicely.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Tom Murison
