
Milton Steam Era – Part 3 of 3

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Today, we are posting additional images from the Milton Steam Era festival. At the upper left, we find a graden tractor modified to be driven by four gas engines. It is likely that this was built to compete in the popular tractor pull competitions where tractors pulled a special trailer which increased the weight being pulled as the tractor attempted to drive as far as it could before simply spinning its wheels.
In the middle image above, we find a beutifully restored automobile from the beginning of the last century. Note that these essentially were designed just like horse drawn cariages but with a gasoline, electric or steam engine added. Note also the early Chevrolet from the late 1950’s behind it. In the right hand picture above we see the huge fins, in this case of an Oldsmobile, which were so popular in the emerging “rocket age” in the late 1950’s.
In the image in the lower left, we find one of the earliest gasoline-powered tractors. Just as in the age of the emergence of cars, these tractors were simply designed like steam powered tractors and therefore were also huge. In the middle image below of a lovingly restored tractor from the last part of the last century, we see that these huge tractors evolved into much smaller tractors over time. Finally, in the lower right, we have an image of an old bulldozer as there is a small active group of folks who focus on restoring construction equipment as well.
Click here to return to Part 1 of this news posting.
Posting and pictures by Russ Milland
