
Field Report: Unusual train set spotted in Niagara Region

Spurred by the Lac Megantic disaster and the ensuing controversy over the safe transport of crude oil by rail, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) have continued to play a strong role in working with the Federal Government in the area of Rail Safety Safety as described on their website.  From May 30th to June 2nd of 2014, they held their annual conference and trade show in Niagara Falls and one of the featured workshops was about their Rail Safety Initiatives.

We mention all of this here, because our intrepid railway enthusiasts in the CRHA Niagara Division caught some photos of a very unusual train consisting of one of CN’s diesels, an old CN heavyweight passenger car and a single dome car which apparently took convention attendees on a tour of the Niagara Region.  Below are a few photos they caught of this unusual consist.

Posting by Russ Milland; Photos courtesy of CRHA Niagara

Click on each image for a closer look!
