
Field Report: In Search of the Newfie Bullet – Part 8

Our return to St. John’s, the capital of Newfoundland, brought us to the end of our three week trip to the province. St. John’s is the home of the Railway Coastal Museum which is housed in a magnificent stone railway station appropriate to the capital of the province. It is right downtown at the head of the harbour. While the St. John’s City archives occupies the second floor of the museum, the first floor houses the museum exhibits.

In the picture below of the back of the museum building, you can see a couple of railway cars “embedded” in the back of the building.  This was a mystery to me as they were seemingly inaccessible.  I only realized when I returned home that some of the exhibits inside the museum used the interiors of these same railway cars (as shown below) to depict a 1940’s era train set.  The museum itself had dozens of very impressive kiosks and models which feature specific parts of the history of both maritime and railway history of the province. The museum is owned and operated by a group of railway enthusiasts.

If you visit, plan on spending at least a half day there, as there is extensive interpretative information to digest.   

Click here to read Part 9 in this series of postings.  

Click on each image for a closer look!

Main Entrance
Rear of Museum – Embedded Passenger Cars
Railway Postal Car Interior
Sleeper Berth
Dining Car Kitchen
Dining Car
Sleeping Berth – Daytime
Private room
Exhibit Kiosks
Marine Model