
Field Report: In Search of the Newfie Bullet – Part 4

Our next stop on our adventure was in Corner Brook on the west coast of Newfoundland. Corner Brook is the home of one of the very few railway museums in Newfoundland.  Operated by the Railway Society of Newfoundland, the building is a former freight shed rather than a station and has a number of small exhibits as well as railway records, some models and many prints on the walls. 

They too have a train set consisting of a snow plow, diesel #931, an ore car and a caboose.  All are maintained in excellent condition.  Visitors can explore the interior of the engine and the caboose.

In our next posting we will explore the other train set on the premises.

Click here to read Part 5 in this series of postings.

Posting and photos by Russ Milland

Click on each image for a closer look!
