
Exploring the Walmsley Collection – Steam Locomotive Bell & a Velocipede

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The Toronto Railway Heritage Centre, located at the former Canadian Pacific Railway John Street roundhouse in downtown Toronto, will soon have an opportunity to display many historical Canadian railway treasures. Included will be many items gathered over the years by our volunteers.
Our most recent acquisition (announced in this News Posting) includes artifacts of the David A. Walmsley collection. As secure display space is developed, many of these will be prominently displayed for the public to appreciate.

In this posting, we are featuring two artefacts:

  • Steam Locomotive Bell: The brass bell pictured in the first photo is from a Canadian National steam locomotive. While there are no known records indicating exactly which locomotive this bell was mounted on, we do know it is from a 4-6-0, built originally for the Canadian Northern Railway circa-1912. Should we be successful in obtaining further records indicating more specific information, a further report will be provided on the TRHA website.
  • Velocipede: This fine example of railway transportation was used for maintenance and inspection work requiring only one person such as a Section Foreman or a Signal Maintainer. Their design dates back to the 1860’s, and they were widely used by railways throughout North America. In Canada, the Mussens Limited of Montreal manufactured many of the Velocipedes used on Canadian railways.

Posting and pictures by John Mellow