
Doors Open – Looking Back – Part 2 of 2

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Concluding our coverage of the May 29th and 30th opening weekend of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre (TRHC), we present a second “looking back” TRHA News posting with a few more pictures from the weekend’s events to complete out our coverage.
At the upper left and middle, we find an individual photographer and the massed media taking advantage of the photogenic Roundhouse park. Our thanks also go out to the volunteers who extensively photographed the event allowing us to share their pictures with you. In the middle photo below we find the Toornto Fire Department responding to a false alarm which set off the fire alarm system in the roundhouse.
Finally, in the lower right, we have a group portrait of a few of the volunteers who happened to be in the right place at the end of the event to be captured in film.
We wish to thank the legions (well, dozens and dozens!) of TRHA and Doors Open volunteers who worked so hard to enlighten and entertain over 17,000 visitors who came to Roundhouse Park during the event!
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Lance Gleich & Russ Milland
