
Doors Open – Interpreting Don Station!

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Continuing with our coverage of the May 29th and 30th opening weekend of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre (TRHC), we turn our attention to the activities surrounding Don Station in Roundhouse Park. In our TRHA News posting on the grand opening of the TRHC, we saw that Don Station provided a great backdrop and stage for the opening ceremonies. In the image above we first see Don Station without the large crowds who arived a little later each day. The station is now very close to being completely restored structurally.
In the picture at the upper right, we find John Mellow staffing the station’s office during Doors Open. John Mellow is eminently qualified to interpret the station to the visiting public as he once operated the station in its original location at the Don River and Queen Street in his younger days! Click here to learn more from an earlier TRHA News posting which features the story of our acquiring a picture of John Mellow operating the station from those days as well as a recreation of that photo in the station today!
All weekend long, display boards in the waiting room in the station told the story of Don Station and its preservation and restoration.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Thomas Blampied & Russ Milland
