
Don Loucks wins CAHP Award for Work on the John St. Roundhouse!

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Don Loucks, heritage architect with IBI Group, has been awarded the 2009 Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP) award for adaptive reuse of a heritage building for his work on the John Street Roundhouse. The award was presented to Loucks at the combined Heritage Canada Foundation and CAHP annual awards ceremony at Toronto’s Artscape Wychwood Barns on Friday, September 25.
Loucks received the award for his work on the conservation and adaptive reuse of the John Street Roundhouse National Historic Site of Canada, a heritage landmark in downtown Toronto. The roundhouse, built by the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1929, has been completely rehabilitated and adapted to house a Leon’s furniture store, the Steam Whistle Brewery and the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre.
CAHP was founded in 1987 to represent the interests of professional practitioners in many related fields of heritage conservation in Canada. The CAHP awards have been presented annually since 2005 and are intended to honour exceptional work by members of the association.
Posting by Andrew Jeanes; Photo by Norm Betts
