
Do you follow us on Facebook and Twitter?

Do you know that we have a presence on both Facebook and Twitter?

Our TRHA News blog and the TRHA Yahoo group is not our only means of communicating with our volunteers and our friends in the world at large.

As note in an earlier post, we post links to all of our TRHA News items on Facebook as they are published.  Others of course post to our Wall interesting railway-oriented posts as well.  So “like” us if you are a Facebook user!  We currently have  541 folks who “like us” and follow our postings.  Each of our TRHA News link postings usually get many hundreds of views.

We also have a presence on Twitter as well (see below) where our address is @TorontoRailwayMuseum.   Andrew Jeanes posts a steady stream of railway oriented tweets there. We have 723 folks following our “tweets”.  Do follow us if you are Twitterer. 
Click on each image for a closer look!
