Click on each image for a closer look! . Continuing with our coverage of the opening weekend of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre which of course was also part of the Toronto-wide Doors Open event, we turn our attention to the activities surrounding our miniature railway operation. In the image
Click on each image for a closer look! . Continuing with our coverage of the Doors Open event at the TRHC, today we feature Cabin D. In the middle picture above, we find Tom Murison describing the Cabin and its restoration. Tom was responsible for the restoration of Cabin D
Click on each image for a closer look! . Continuing our coverage of the Doors Open weekend, this post focusses on the equipment on display throughout Roundhosue Park. We can now raise the boom on the Pyke Crane. In the upper left images, we find the crane being used to
Click on each link for a closer look! . Finally, Friday, May 28th arrived! At about 9:45 a.m., the band began to entertain us all with some spirited music. At 10:00 a.m. the Opening Ceremonies were launched by Glenn Garwood, who is the City of Toronto’s project manager responsible for
Click on each image for a closer look! . As the day before the grand opening came to a close, last minute preparations were being completed in readiness for the Official Opening on Friday! Above we see the interior of the caboose being painted now that the tongue and groove
Click on the image for a closer look! . Given the workload that we are under at Roundhouse Park, preparing for our grand opening weekend for the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre, we are going to suspend publishing news items until the Opening happens. . So for everyone’s benefit, we are
Click on each image for a closer look! . About twelve volunteers appeared on Sunday eager to further progress on many projects. In addition to continuing on the caboose, the F7, the U33C and the fine tuning of our miniature railway through ongoing track testing, we began to uncover the
Click on each image for a closer look! . We had a grand day on Saturday with only a little light rain to dampen the proceedings. It was a long day too. Some of us didn’t arrive home until mid-evening. Here is a partial list of what happened today: The
The vendor of our electronic sign finally managed to get our access to the signage working properly last week. The TRHA can now communicate to the public through yet another communications channel. In this You Tube video, out first message is shown. It simply says: “Toronto Railway Heritage Centre Opening
Click on each image for a closer look! . Continuing our report on activities during this past week, we first see at the upper right that Cabin D and Don Station are nearing completion. In the right hand picture above, we see that #1 and our #4803 have been positioned