
Cancellation of the April 26th Union Station Tour

For the first time since the monthly Union Station tours began in 2006, we were forced to cancel the April 26th tour due to the unexpected TTC strike that began at midnight the night before. Tour leader Derek Boles was heading out the door on Saturday morning when he read about the strike in the newspaper that was waiting at his door. At this point, there was no way of getting to Union Station by 11 am and it was unlikely that there were many people who had planned on taking the tour that would have been able to get there as well. Attempts were made to contact the Travelers’ Aid information booth at the station but it appears that the staff were unable to make it there either.
To anyone who did show up for the tour, we offer our sincere apologies and hope you understand that the circumstances were beyond our control.
There is no full Union Station tour in May as the annual Doors Open event will be held at the station, as well as at 150 other venues throughout the city, including the John St. Roundhouse. As part of this event, free Union Station tours will be offered on May 24th & 25th, although these are considerably shorter and less detailed than the regular monthly tours.
The next regular Union Station tour is scheduled for Saturday, June 28th at 11 am.
