Click on each image for a closer look! . As Derek Boles, our TRHA historian, has posted earlier, the rededication of the memorial to the Chinese workers who worked on the building of the CPR was held on Canada Day. In his capacity as a Heritage Toronto Board member, TRHA
Click on each image for a closer look! . In today’s posting, we offer more images from Canada Day at the museum. . As can be seen above, both the Sweet Creek and the Whitcomb were pressed into service on the miniature railway that day to handle the crowds. Below,
Click on each image for a closer look! . Despite the recent diversion of many of our volunteers to the operational needs of the museum, we also got some work done on our museum “assets” between July 1st and 4th. . The crossing gates are back in place as is
Click on each image for a closer look! . With Canada Day being on a Thursday this year, we decided to open the museum on July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. . Thursday July 1st . We had fine crowds on Canada’s birthday and had a great turnout of volunteers
Click on each image for a closer look! . Completing our coverage of the helicopter activity at Roundhouse Park just before the G20 Summit, we present these photographs taken by folks in the immediate surrounding area. The picture at the above left and middle are by Neil Jones. The picture
Click on each image for a closer look! . Continuing our coverage of the helicopter activity at Roundhouse Park just before the G20 Summit, these photos by Ryan De Laplante from his nearby condominium show test flights being made just prior to the event. The Marine helicopter with a white
Click on each image for a closer look! . On the opposite side of the Rogers Centre from the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre is the Chinese Railway Workers Memorial, located in a parkette where Blue Jays Way curves off to the west towards Spadina Avenue. In the 1880’s, contractors building
Click on each image for a closer look! . In an earlier TRHA News posting, we visited the Fort Erie Railway Museum which houses a preserved railway station as well as CNR Northern #6218, a sister locomotive to our #6213. . Today, we are bringing to your attention a new
As we have announced earlier, Roundhouse Park became a heliport for the G20 Summit event in downtown Toronto with helicopters landing and leaving last week for practice pruposes. In this series of postings, we capture for posterity this highly unusual activity which will be yet another milestone in the museum’s
Click on the image for a closer look! . Derek Boles, TRHA’s historian, publishes a daily posting on the Toronto Railway Heritage Yahoo Group List. These postings document major railway oriented events that happened on that day of the year. One of today’s items is as follows: . “June 26,