Click on each image for a closer look! As the Railway Children production closed on Sunday afternoon after the 115th performance, several of our volunteers took the opportunity to capture some photos of the Heritage Train setup on the turntable in Roundhouse Park. At the above left, Michael Guy captures
Click on each image for a closer look! This past weekend, our volunteers continued to operate attractions in Roundhouse Park with many visitors enjoying miniature train rides, hand car rides and tours of the Roundhouse and the Park. Inside the renovation area in the roundhouse, another team of volunteers continued
One of our volunteers, Bob Dickson, brought to our attention a great resource for train lovers everywhere – The web-based resource is produced out of Calgary, Alberta by Neil Enock. As it says on their website: “Train Talk is a project of Neil Enock, a long-time train buff. Neil
Click on each image for a closer look! Continuing our field trip to the West Coast Railway Heritage Centre in Squamish, B.C. to learn from what other railway museums have accomplished, we now focus on the the building where a visitor first enters the museum proper. This is their Mac
Click on the image for a closer look! The City of Toronto Archives is a treasure trove of paper-based artefacts about the Toronto railway lands. Here we find a redevelopment plan for Roundhouse Park by Hotson Bakker Architects. The date on the plan is difficult to discern but is definitely
Click on each image for a closer look! When you visit Roundhouse Park, you no doubt have noticed that there several large silver storage tanks positioned along the back side of the roundhouse. You may also have noted that you turntable has been authentically restored to run on compressed air
Click on each image for a closer look! Every railway museum is challenged with providing exhibits which also appeal to little children. The West Coast Railway Heritage Park developed an area right beside their main station and their miniature railway station for this purpose. They built a large wooden train
Click on each image for a closer look! Continuing our field trip to the West Coast Railway Association’s museum in Squamish, B.C. we now focus on the turntable area adjacent to the new roundhouse. It is about 96 feet long and electrically driven. It is just long enough to hold
Click on the image for a closer look! The Railway Children production ends its successful run with the last show being the matinee performance on Sunday, August 14th. In this panoramic image we find the heritage train set used in the production on the turntable against the background of our
Canadian Geographic is an excellent magazine published six times a year by the Royal Canadian Geographic Society. Their July/August issue, currently on local newsstands, features as the main article: – “Glances from a train – Are Canada’s railways poised for a second golden age?”. It is a fascinating article by