The TRHA was pleased to welcome 20 members of the Chatham Model Railroad Club to the monthly Union Station Experience tour on March 31, 2007. The group traveled to Toronto by VIA Rail and presented the TRHA with a plaque to commemorate what for them was a very enjoyable day.
After a lengthy hiatus following the collapse of the Union Pearson Group proposal for Union Station revitalization, the City of Toronto is restarting the process of redevelopment. Many of the studies and technical data gathered during the UPG process is valid and still current so that time will be saved
An apparently complete set of construction drawings for the John St Roundhouse were located today at the City of Toronto Archives. Mostly negative Vandyke prints (white line on brown background) there are approximately thirty sheets in very legible, if rather brittle, condition, all dated 1929-30. TRHA has requested that digital
On March 21st, a pair of spare turntable-drive compressed-air motors arrived from the Canadian Pacific steam program in Calgary. These are on long-term loan to the museum. They will be used as both a working interpretive exhibit and a source of spare parts for the main drives for our soon-to-be
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the TRHA, welcome to the new TRHA website which is being made public today. Join us in the excitement as we work to create a new heritage experience in the heart of downtown Toronto. This news item will be the first of