
Another day closer to the lift and install!

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The Western Mechanical team completed their installation of the gantry crane and at 2:30 p.m. today made their first test lift of the turntable. At the south end, the turntable was very level when lifted. However, at the north end there was sufficient deviaton from level that the team decided to order in another beam so that they could upgrade that end to a two beam lift structure to address this issue.
In the picture at the above left we see the turntable with the hydraulic lifting devices installed at each end. In the picture at the above right, we have a closeup view of the lifting device with two hydraulic jacks holding up the turntable. These devices will be pulled down the gantry tracks 18″ at a time stopping to make adjustments after each “pull”.
In the centre picture above, we have a bird’s eye view of the turntable bridge ready to move.
by Russ Milland, TRHA