
Announcing the TRHA’s Save the LRC Campaign!

Click on each picture for a closer look!
The LRC (Light, Rapid, Comfortable) was a uniquely Canadian passenger locomotive developed by Bombardier, Alcan and Dofasco in co-operation with CN and later VIA Rail Canada as a higher speed rail option for the busy Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. The locomotives were capable of travel up to 125 MPH (limited to 100 MPH in service) and powered VIA’s Metropolis express train between Toronto and Montreal. These locomotives were a common sight throughout the Corridor from their introduction in 1981 until their retirement in 2001.
The TRHA has launched an initiative to acquire one of these locomotives for the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre. To this end, the TRHA has placed a deposit with VIA Rail Canada to purchase one of the last remaining LRC locomotives, number 6917 as shown in the pictures above. We have until August to raise the balance of the purchase price. If we are unable to save this locomotive, it will be scrapped along with all of the other LRCs on VIA property.
We need your help to complete this purchase and move the LRC to the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre. Click here to visit our web page which provides you with all of the details on our fund raising campaign!
Posting by Jason Shron
