
A Major Milestone: Driving the last Spike on the Miniature Railway!

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Monday, December 28th marked a major milestone in the development of Roundhouse Park. While our TRHA team did not drive an actual last spike to complete the miniature railway, they did complete a host of tasks remaining on the railway to render it operational and operated a miniature train to ensure it was now operational.
Michael Guy reports that:

“We ran a miniature train consisting of the miniature F7 Diesel plus one of our new TRHC passenger cars around the circuit numerous times while making track adjustments to reduce the number of nuisance derailments that occurred during the first circuits of the track. Several of the crossings needed tweaking and a few rail joints had slight misalignments which were easily fixed with a grinder. These derailments were caused by the use of used rail with different existing wear patterns at the ends. The good news is that most of the track needed little or no work to be usable. There was plenty of interest from passing visitors, many with small children in tow.”
The completion of the miniature railway, its Sweet Creek steam locomotive and the passenger cars adds to a significant list of major milestones in 2009.
Congratulations to all involved in the development of the railway and the equipment we will be running on it.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Stephen Gardiner
