
A Busy Weekend for the TRHA crews – Part 2 of 2!

Click on each picture for a closer look!
One of the most complex tasks in building a miniature railway track is the design and construction of the switches. James has been doing some CAD work on the park plan to sort out the precise details of the miniature track plan and confirm my preliminary work to set the turnout angles. We have settled on three of 75′ radius, one of 60′ and one at only 36′ radius (but this tight radius is not on the main line). In the picture at the above left, we find our crew checking out the designs on a laptop computer in our “executive board room”.
Last Saturday, we continued to actually construct the switches. In the pictures above, we find our crew cutting and grinding rail. Our target date for completion of the miniature railway track is July 1st, 2009 subject to the roadbed being ready on time.
In the pictures at left we find the track and the switches beginning to take shape.

Click on each picture for a closer look!

Story by Michael Guy; Pictures by Lance Gleich
