Tackling Many Different Iniatives at the Roundhouse!

One of our volunteers, James, is in charge of the project to set up the boxcar to hold many of the museum’s assets while the roundhouse is renovated. He writes: “Both tables are up, the first wood shelf is up, the metal shelf is up, and, thanks to Dave, both lights are working. Next week we can start to move the tools, paints, etc., into the boxcar. Lionel and Bob (last week) had the good idea of cataloguing the items in the box car as we reload it and store them for safe moving; it`s easy to do.” The middle photo above shows the progress of this work.
Other work last Saturday included salvaging the hardware from the old posts used for holding the locomotive doors open. Some of these were installed for stall doors one to twelve in poured concrete bases and have rotted away. New posts in new properly designed bases are to be installed for all doors.
We also spend some time shunting engines #1 and #7020 around on the turntable while looking for the source of some noise from the tables centre bearing. In the picture at the left above, Lionel is acting as the brakeman for this work.
Our pool of volunteer work crews have been invaluable in helping us work with the organizations restoring the roundhouse. Part of our group turned out last Saturday and are show in the picture at the right above. They are from left to right: Michael, James, Lionel, Jason, Wilson and Dave.
The help these folks plus the many others who come out on other days is deeply appreciated by the museum, the City of Toronto and the TRHA. If you would like to help out, click on http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TRHA/ to join the TRHA Online Discussion Group on Yahoo where the dates and times of our work sessions and other information about TRHA activities are posted. All you need to participate is enthusiasm, a hard hat and safety shoes.
By Michael Guy, TRHA; Photos by Michael Guy
Our pool of volunteer work crews have been invaluable in helping us work with the organizations restoring the roundhouse. Part of our group turned out last Saturday and are show in the picture at the right above. They are from left to right: Michael, James, Lionel, Jason, Wilson and Dave.
The help these folks plus the many others who come out on other days is deeply appreciated by the museum, the City of Toronto and the TRHA. If you would like to help out, click on http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TRHA/ to join the TRHA Online Discussion Group on Yahoo where the dates and times of our work sessions and other information about TRHA activities are posted. All you need to participate is enthusiasm, a hard hat and safety shoes.
By Michael Guy, TRHA; Photos by Michael Guy