
Don Station Gets a Baggage Cart!

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Niall MacKay is the author of the definitive book (By Steamboat and Steam Train, 1982, Boston Mills Press, 0-919822-73-8) on the history of the original Huntsville and Lake of Bays Railway. Niall has generously donated a two wheeled baggage cart to the museum. John Mellow, a fromer station master at Don Station, is currently advising us on the station’s interpretation. He studied photographs of the baggage cart provided by Niall and concluded that it was the same type of cart used originally in the station. So we happily accepted the gift of the cart.
In the picture at the above left, we find Niall posing with this fine artefact. Last Saturday, we transported the baggage cart in a small trailer as shown in the next picture. In the picture at left below, we use the baggage cart to move a traveller’s suitcase (which Niall also donated) to the museum storage area. In the final picture we find the baggage cart and case resting in the machine shop with our other artefacts.
If you have any artefacts, documents or photographs to donate to the museum, contact us.
Posting and pictures by Russ Milland
