
Where Can I Find Surviving Steam Locomotives?

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Many steam locomotives such as our CNR 4-8-4 Northern #6213 survived the end of the steam era on our railways. A few of the survivors have been restored into operating condition. Many of these survivors have been put on display in various communities around the world. Some like #6213 are carefully and lovingly maintained by individuals or groups such as our Toronto Locomotive Preservation Society. Others unfortunately are left to deterioriate in the open.
There is a website – steamlocomotive.com – which attempts to track all such locomotives in North America and Australia. This is an admirable effort by a single enthusiast – Wes Barris. The website doesn’t provide information about how well preserved any of the locomotives are, but many listings are accompanied by photos that give a rough idea of the level of cosmetic preservation or restoration, if not saying anything about hidden deterioration. If you are planning to travel around Ontario and wish to know where you can find these locomotives, this page on that website is devoted to the surviving locomotives in our province.
In the pictures above from left ot right, we find:

Posting by Russ Milland based on information from Andrew Jeanes
